Let’s make a card together! But there’s a catch because I need your help in creating a card that will inspire others. That’s where you come in. I have a bunch of recipe cards that came with a recipe book and as much as I love to cook and bake, I’ll never use the recipe cards for that. I want to use them for card recipes instead. A picture of what the recipe card looks like is shown below. Those that would like to submit a recipe and sample card can fill out a form to make that request - click HERE to be taken to the form.
We’ll do something similar to Mystery Card night and you’ll be able to share your creations in the Facebook event to get in on prize drawings….yay! It will be a little backwards from Mystery card night in the sense that I’ll be the one on the spot, you’ll watch me make a card based off the recipe, then you’ll have time to make your own card after class. I’ll share the card of the person who shared the recipe at the end of class. The sample card should be sent in its own envelope so I can open it up at the end to show the audience.
I'd love for you to join me! Plan to get into the Cards by Christine channel in YouTube right at 1 pm on Wednesday, April 16th and the video will pop up in the newsfeed OR click HERE!
This class is on the books to be done monthly, but if there is an overwhelming response additional classes will be scheduled. It’s all up to you if we keep this class up or not.
Can’t make the time listed? No worries, the replay of the online class will be housed in the videos section on the Cards by Christine YouTube Channel indefinitely.
***BONUS*** Bring a new-to-me friend to an in-person class or refer an online friend to sign up for to go card kits and both of you will receive 3 handmade cards.